Hey, I’m Katelyn!

I’m a LMSW (Licensed Social Worker) and Life Coach, dedicated to helping women who feel they have lost control and direction in their lives, and want to reclaim their lives; feel balanced, healthy, and in charge of their own destiny again. I founded Katelyn Englert Coaching and Elevate Your Life.

I will walk alongside you during your healing process and support you by providing you with a custom path to healing that fits your unique struggles. I have a healing formula and coaching method that structures each session so you can walk away feeling motivated to do the work you desire.

As a Social Worker with many years of experience helping people through drug addiction, relationship struggles, anxiety, body image, trauma, and more, I know that everyone has different battles which require different paths. 

There is no cookie-cutter way towards healing. For true lasting change, healing has to be customized to you. I hear you, I see you, I have been you. Self-awareness, willingness and support have built a foundation in my own life that allows me to guide others that desire to do the same.

My style of coaching and therapy is client-centered and focused on finding real solutions that work in your life as well as sustain your healing process in the long term. 

Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call with me and we can see if we are a good fit and begin creating a plan to get you feeling like you are in charge of your life again. 

Unlike many “life coaches” out there, I am a licensed social worker (breaking the social norms) who has had many years working with trauma, disordered eating and mental health. Although I will not be providing therapy, I come from a clinical background that helps individuals feel heard, understood, and safe to discuss anything they need.

nicu family and family of three

I had no idea what freedom was until I found it…

I found recovery from drugs, married a conscious man, graduated from a Masters, passed the licensure test, traveled many places, had my first child and pregnant with the second but why did I feel satisfied despite having everything I wanted.

I have spent many years searching (and still do at times) for something to make me happy. I tried to find it in my accomplishments, relationships and materialistic items. I would never say no to anything. I would fill with fear anytime I had to have a conversation that felt confronting. I couldn’t say “Stop” when men became inappropriate at self-help meetings. I felt like a failure 99.9% of the time. I never felt like I was doing enough. My body was never the “right” size in my eyes. I worked so hard for my masters than decided to become a stay at home mom truly believing it was going to be this amazing opportunity. It was not. I was battling post-partum depression, chasing a 1.5 year old and running on no sleep (literally she did not sleep till she was two). I was then diagnosed with a blood condition which was also a huge cause of why I felt depressed and unmotivated.


The medications was not breastfeeding friendly so I toughed through the ocular migraines, fatigue and dizziness so I could keep feeding my baby. Finally I surrendered after she turned 1 and things started to turn around. I started having awakenings which led me to working through Orthorexia- a condition in which you are obsessed with being a healthy person. Like consumed by it. Every waking thought, behavior, plans, etc. revolved around my macro plan and gym schedule.


I did not listen to my body for many years. I rejected it.


So I tried and ended many businesses before stumbling back into social work. I decided I was finally going to open my own practice but I was filled with fear that I would yet again fail.

After two months, I finally decided to go for it. I eased back into things since I had a two year hiatuses. I was so scared and felt rusty. I turned to meditation and connection with my higher power. I became intentional before entering any session creating mantras that would allow me to be me. I chose trust over fear.

 I wanted the growth so badly but it wasn’t happening as fast as I wanted it. I wanted the money. I wanted the skill set. I wanted more credentials. I wanted what I saw on social media. I wanted everything outside of me not appreciating my own success.


So I started to define what success was to me after many long chats with friends. I realized I never really defined it. How do I know when I am successful?  


There were so many stories of shame and pain that limited my growth. I had no idea who I was or where I was headed. Motherhood was pushing me to new physical and emotional boundaries. I felt like I was living in flight or freeze most of the time. I found worth in the amount of clients I saw, money I made or how much weight I could throw over my head.

The pandemic, like most, changed me. It gave me new perspective on the meaning of life. I began to re-examine what I wanted which was to slow down, enjoy the journey and find peace. I know it sounds cliché but I craved it.


Having three children doesn’t always allow for “slow” time but I have learned how to slow things down in my head. I have taught myself how to re-direct and focus on my priorities. One of my greatest successes has been to stay focused on a few things at a time instead of bouncing all over. I honed in on building my client list, podcast, raising children and movement practices.


I realized that I needed to find purpose in my life

katelyn recovery from drugs and alcohol how to get sober how to find freedom

In 2021, my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our third. Surprise! I was working on building back my career so I struggled to wrap my head around how it would all work out. Throughout my pregnancy I took time to prepare for a homebirth which helped me with other areas of my life. I worked on letting go, trusting and accepting life as is. On November 4th, 2021, I finished meeting with clients and headed to a doctor’s appointment for a growth ultrasound.


I was sent to the hospital for the most traumatic event in my life. For the first time, I really understood what it felt like to be powerless. I had no idea if she would live or die. I was told I couldn’t see her for 10 days after a positive covid test. I forced home in isolation without my child.


This situation forced a perspective change. My greatest fears of losing clients or taking a break in my business came true. I found myself pushing through meeting with clients from my car in the hospital parking lot during her NICU stay. I pushed my body and mind beyond what it was capable of. I was in survival mode which gave me this weird sense of adrenaline which caused me to make choices that were not caring or gentle.


I am still a work in progress. My experience in my own pain and struggle greatly informs my work with clients. I have spent years pushing away my dark sides. I realized there is two pathways, avoidance or acceptance. I have learned that I don’t always “love” my body or myself but I can still show love towards myself no matter what. Confidence take practice just like anything else. Taking small steps throughout the last decade has built my confidence that feels stronger than ever.


Freedom is understanding, knowledge and awareness. It is recognizing what you need and taking it. It is marching to your beat not what others believe you should be doing.


I invite all of you to do the same. Think about your vision and know that it is possible to achieve if you choose too.

When it all changed…

family with a nicu baby traumatic birth stories
healing from trauma and healing from birth trauma nicu family
katelyn reading daring greatly brine brown best reads

My Coaching Style

Katelyn has a unique coaching style

The core pillars of my coaching are: freedom, flexibility and purpose. My aim is to help you find your voice, see your true potential, and gain confidence in who you are and how you show up in the world, so that you can live the life you have always dreamed of instead of just dreaming it. 


1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice for the individual who is ready to get down and dirty. This minimum of 6-session program speeds up the process of healing while also holding space for what you need. It will be specifically tailored to your needs and goals while also guiding you with a unique set of tools that will build confidence that lasts.

Private Counseling

This is for the person who wants to dip their toe in to begin slow and spacious healing. This pathway carves out time for you to explore trauma, relationships issues, parenthood, addiction and more through traditional counseling methods.