The Magic Of Surrender and Letting Go

gardening spirituality surrender letting go anxiety management life coach Rochester New York

I haven't written much lately. Most of my time is spent following children, picking up their destroyed toys or crumbs on the floor. The other half of my time is spent running errands and serving clients. Consequently, I haven't had much time to write. However, I am currently in a phase of healing energy, which naturally draws me back to pen and paper. 

Writing itself is therapeutic, as it allows me to process my thoughts without judgment, criticism, or worries about what others might say. I can just let my thoughts flow freely. In our fast-paced world, I often neglect to make time for writing, as my priorities are generally focused on achieving success. I have always had a drive to achieve, which has caused me to overlook the little things in life. These little things may not aid in accomplishing a goal, but they provide me with a sense of purpose. I need to remember to appreciate them more. Why? Because constantly living in a hustle energy is no longer serving me. In fact, it hinders my personal growth. When I found myself stuck, I didn't know what to do, so I decided to surrender.

Surrendering to the process of always striving for success, only to hit a wall. And I don't just mean externally, but internally as well. The things I try to excel at never truly satisfy me the way I anticipate they will, or if they do, it's only temporarily. Now, don't get me wrong, success is important to me. It feels great to accomplish something significant. However, this single-minded pursuit of success has also caused me to see my children as an interruption, become oblivious to the beauty around me, forget my true purpose, and simply live in the moment. In my pursuit of achievement, I lost sight of the meaning of life. In truth, I never truly understood it. I failed to comprehend why people take pleasure in plants and going for walks, as it always seemed like a waste of time. Time that could be spent building a website, meeting clients, making money, or tending to household chores. However, this subtle shift in my mindset has allowed me to appreciate the smaller things, such as gardening, playing with my children, cooking, and not constantly rushing from one place to another. 

As I prayed for surrender, I felt a shift in my internal world. Surrender and trust are two powerful concepts that can guide us towards finding inner peace and contentment. Surrendering means letting go of control and allowing life to unfold naturally. Trust involves having faith in ourselves (which many of us lack), others, and the universe. Surrendering doesn't imply giving up or being passive. It means releasing the need to exert control over every aspect of our lives and accepting that certain things are beyond our control. Surrendering allows us to let go of resistance and move with the natural rhythm of life. It requires us to relinquish the illusion of control and embrace the uncertainties that come our way. When we choose surrender, we find that stress dissipates and anxiety loosens its grip. Furthermore, surrendering opens doors to new possibilities and opportunities that we may have otherwise overlooked. 

By embracing surrender, we become more adaptable and resilient, enabling us to navigate challenges gracefully and effortlessly. Fear often stands in the way of letting go and building trust. It stems from a lack of control and a fear of the unknown. To overcome fear, we must identify and challenge our limiting beliefs, practice self-compassion, and develop a growth mindset. By acknowledging and embracing our fears, we can gradually release their hold on us, allowing us to surrender and trust more completely. Surrendering and trusting are not easy tasks, but they possess immense power to transform our lives. By embracing surrender, we learn to let go of control and find peace in accepting the unpredictable nature of life. Trusting in ourselves and the universe allows us to navigate challenges with resilience and openness. As we surrender and trust, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and create space for peace, contentment, and personal growth.

It's not perfect, but it's certainly better :)

With love,


P.S. If you want to hear more on surrender, check out the latest podcast episode with Kute Blackson as he walks us through surrender and letting go.


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